Types of massages

Beauty Center in Rapallo specializing in Massage

Call to book our Facial - Body Massage Treatments in Rapallo 

in the GocciaDiLuna Beauty Center

Discover the wide selection of massages dedicated to personal well-being at the

GocciaDiLuna beauty center. 

All treatments are performed by experienced and skilled practitioners. 

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Connective Tissue Massage

Effective general mobilization of connective tissue acting on adipocytes altered by cellulite, facilitates blood supply by improving circulation.

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    Dissolves fat cells, tones and oxygenates, combats skin slackening by facilitating the elimination of excess fluid and cellulite. To be combined with anti-cellulite massage and lymphatic drainage for proper complete treatment and facilitate toxin elimination (LinfoConn Gocciadiluna).

  • anti-cellulite massage

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Anti-Cellulite Massage

Energetic manipulation of connective tissue performed on specific areas of the body where fat cells that cause cellulite formation are most likely to form. Effective techniques are used,

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    to soften and loosen adipose tissue by dwelling more specifically on the most altered areas. It is always combined with connective tissue massage, and it is useful and advisable to perform a lymphatic drainage treatment at the end to help eliminate toxins and stagnant fluids.

  • massaggio dermo-rassodante

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Dermo-Firming Massage

Specific connective tissue massage involving the most superficial tissue, the skin and Derma. It uses connective tissue techniques performed with alternating fast, medium and gentle maneuvers,

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    the purpose of which is to reactivate the blood and lymphatic microcirculation, reoxygenate the superficial tissues and stimulate collagen and elastin, resulting in improved tone.

    It is a massage particularly suitable for 'ladies over 60' but also for people of all ages who want to keep their skin toned and firmed with a progressive and beneficial 'anti-age' effect.

  • muscle massage - decontracting

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Muscle Massage - Decontracting

It consists of a powerful massage that affects the muscle tissue with a set of deep stretching techniques useful for relaxing and eliminating contractures, the main causes of the most common ailments,

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    such as stiff neck, cervicalgia, headaches, low back pain, sciatic nerve problems, including with manual skills using forearm or elbow. The practitioner, while performing the massage, performs a careful examination of the general condition of the most important muscles commonly prone to contractures, pausing to analyze their state, one by one, to check for possible tension, and carry out the treatment most suitable for solving the problem.

  • sports massage

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Sports Massage

This is a deep muscle massage that is energetically invigorating of the major muscle groups. Through a combination of fast and rebalancing techniques,

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    Helps reduce muscle tension and soften tissues. It reactivates blood circulation and prepares the muscle by making it more toned, loose and decontracted. It is therefore suitable for those who perform frequent physical activities and as pre and post-competition sports preparation.

  • Manhattan Massage

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Manhattan foot leg back massage- Manhattan GocciaDiLuna

Designed specifically for male clientele, it uses two different phases of execution:

  1. fast and energizing deep muscle massage using specific targeted techniques for the purpose of oxygenating and toning tissues. 
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    2. light and invigorating dermotonic massage to reactivate blood circulation in the epithelial tissue. 

    It is a type of massage designed specifically for the modern man always and daily subjected to stressful situations that fatigue the body and mind, but also suitable for the dynamic woman also full of responsibilities and a thousand daily commitments, who wants to finally give herself a well-deserved break to relax.

  • Chakra Massage

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Relaxing Holistic Massage - anti-stress

This is an extremely relaxing and soothing massage performed with the use of slow techniques of medium depth and manual maneuvers that bring together all the benefits of different techniques while helping to reduce stress and tension

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    muscles.  It is also called "holistic" (olos = all) because it treats the body in every aspect, globally, considering it not just an "anatomical" body consisting of blood, lymph, tissues, etc., but a Unique and unrepeatable Being, consisting of that particular Structure, that Psyche, that Energy. 

    The work is on the joints, muscles, interstitial fluids, blood, lymph, skin tissue and overall Energy, rebalancing the Chakras, energy meridians, flows and Aura, interacting with respiration and with withheld emotions.  The use of aromatherapy will synergistically enhance the benefits of this manual technique aimed at maintaining Body Wellness.

  • Massaggio Kylikituly Soft Massage

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Soft Massage Kylikituly

Very gentle epithelial massage whose main feature is the use of very light mixed touch techniques, without the use of oils or creams or products of any kind. 

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    It is based on slow skin strokes alternating with light tapping, pinching, medium superficial pressure, slow palm strokes and almost imperceptible strokes that stimulate the awakening of Prana Energy. It is suitable for people who feel the need to relax through intimate contact with their sensory perception.

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Purest Argan Aromatic Massage

This is a relaxing and soothing massage that induces a profound sense of well-being and harmony using oils and scented essences based on Argania Spinosa, a fruit that grows exclusively in Morocco and has particularly beneficial, relaxing and nourishing properties. Specific maneuvers are performed with slow, long and extremely enveloping movements that induce total relaxation. The atmosphere is made even more pleasant and relaxing by the use of scented candles and aromatic incense.

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    A few drops of aromatic essence are dropped on the main chakras, which will be gently and slowly massaged, promoting their rebalancing, proper breathing and the resulting mental and physical relaxation of the person.

  • Lomi Lomi Awajian Massage - Californian

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Lomi Lomi Awajian Massage - Californian

Massage originating in the Hawaiian Islands, the most relaxing and enveloping of all treatments dedicated to personal relaxation. 

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    Its main characteristics are given by the use of a lot of warm oil, with techniques carried out using the whole forearm, arm and hand of the practitioner who, exerting medium pressure, with slow and sinuous movements that will evoke the gentle movement of the waves, long and extremely enveloping, will carry out the massage
    from the feet to the head, completely including the whole body of the person, not in zones, slowly bringing him or her to a state of perfect harmony and rebalanced total relaxation. Holistic techniques are carried out with slow, enveloping movements to eliminate stress while achieving a prolonged effect of relaxation and well-being.

  • Vodder Lymphatic Drainage Rapallo

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Wodder Lymphatic Drainage

Classic therapeutic massage that works through a series of very gentle rhythmic maneuvers (Wodder method) performed to encourage

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    the reactivation of the lymphatic system, the elimination of toxins from tissues and to rebalance and improve hemolymphatic circulation. It deflates the legs and abdomen by improving and reactivating the natural elimination of fluids that stagnate in fat cells that, thus altered, cause the formation of cellulite. It performs a detoxifying action and is especially recommended for expectant mothers and people suffering from water retention and overweight. 

  • LinfoConn GocciaDiLuna

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LinfoConn GocciaDiLuna (Woman)

The brand new LinfoConn GocciaDiLuna is a true panacea for the whole body: it makes use of 5 different massage techniques (Connective Tissue, Anticellulite, Wodder Lymph Drainage, Lymphatic, Lomi Lomi Awajiano) all combined into one magical synergy 

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    which in addition to making you feel completely relaxed, will decrease muscle contractures, greatly improve your circulation, lymphatic and blood, skin laxity with firming action, and make you feel finally light and detoxified.

    Necessary at the end of each session of Cryolipolysis or machinery aimed at decreasing overweight and remodeling, just for the proper elimination of toxins that have been released and put back into circulation by the various targeted treatments. A true wellness pampering, all female!

  • Plantar reflexology Rapallo

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Plantar Reflexology

It is a treatment that works through specific stimulation of the reflex zones of the feet. In fact, pressure applied to a nerve ending creates a stimulus that sets in motion a nerve impulse, an electrochemical response that causes a change in nerve processes. 

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    With this stimulation, the practitioner performs a treatment aimed at recreating balance and harmony in the altered functions of the body: energy blockages are removed and the circulatory and vascular systems are reactivated by stimulating specific points on the foot with graduated and rhythmic pressures according to precise correspondences with meridians, energy channels and vital organs of the body.

  • Plantar reflexology

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Shirodhara Massage

Very special Indian cranial massage with relaxing properties that involves a slow trickle of warm aromatic oil on the forehead, followed by a gentle massage involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, and hair. Duration ranges from 30 minutes to 50 minutes. It calms and relieves nervous, psychosomatic disorders, depression, anxiety, distress, relieves tension, nourishes skin and hair, is useful for all head problems: migraines, headaches, neuralgia, inflammation, improves perceptibility of the senses, and calms states of anxiety.

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    It relaxes the face, smoothes wrinkles, opens energy channels in the head, and releases stagnant energy throughout the body. The "third eye" area over which the oil flows is, in Ayurveda, deeply connected to the functional centers of the brain that produce particular chemicals within the body, including serotonin, which stimulates in us the sense of pleasure and that of relaxation. 

    Upon request, Kayasekam massage, complete whole-body oiling with warm oil and related holistic energy massage, can follow. Performed by two practitioners, this treatment is deeply purifying and "rejuvenating," improving blood circulation and strengthening tissues.

  • Kayasekam massage

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Kayasekam massage 

Like Shirodhara massage, it is part of the Indian tradition and is performed by two practitioners at the same time. It is the complete oiling of the whole body performed with a very fast and warming technique. Mostly frictions and kneading are done and the recommended duration is 30 to 50 minutes. 

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    The oil used should be quite hot. After a few minutes of very fast technique, one slows down with light, alternating movements and then energizes with a sudden increase in speed. One completes the treatment by also applying drainage techniques with rather light lengthwise passes. Immediately after the Kayasekam, the patient takes a long, relaxing hot shower to remove the toxins and negativity that have been released. This type of treatment serves to take the mind away from the body as the different energies felt by the patient and the continuous stimulation give the body a jolt. For this reason it is one of the most suitable massages for the person in need of energy. It is also recommended for hypertensive and nervous individuals and for those suffering from high blood pressure because the latter, by the very effect of the massage, is lowered and a state of gentle and pleasant exhaustion arises that induces relaxation.

  • Kundalini Chakra Massage

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Kundalini Chakra Massage

This particular type of treatment represents a unique sensory experience. It is derived from an ancient Hindu doctrine that is primarily concerned with rebalancing the person on a spiritual and energetic level, amplifying all energies, with the purpose of leading to a very powerful sensory experience for meditative purposes, listening to the Self, increasing our ability to perceive, our contact with Universal Energy and our spiritual elevation.

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    The real purpose of the treatment is to rebalance the energy channels and Chakras and in this way to make the Kundalini Energy flow freely along. For this purpose, the massage will be performed at the level of the physical body and impositions of the hands at the level of the etheric body; the massage is carried out with the use of a lot of warm oil, with extremely long, slow and felt manuals, very enveloping, to induce the right degree of relaxation that will allow the person to increase the ability to listen and sensory perception.

    The hands glide softly lingering on certain points that correspond to the most important Chakras with rotating movements that aim to reactivate them and awaken the energy, removing any blockages, and thus being able to make it flow freely along the energy channels.

    It involves every area of the human body, physical and etheric, consequently the reactions to this unblocking can be multiple and subjective, depending on one's personal experience and sensitivity, depending on one's ability to perceive.

    The person who performs this kind of treatment, (the practitioner), must be able to feel, to perceive, as if instead of her hands she had very powerful sensors, capable of transmitting and receiving, giving Prana Energy and absorbing negative energy by discharging it through well-determined outgoing movements.

    The person receiving this kind of treatment must also be able to feel and sense; it is in this way that he or she will fully enjoy the positive and balancing effects of this truly unique treatment.

    For those who are approaching this kind of treatment for the first time, which is also made up of meditative techniques, the purpose will be precisely to be able to train themselves to listen to the Deep Self, learning to perceive more attentively each of our capacities, not only physical but also sensory.

    In the Chakra Kundalini massage the manual skills become almost a ritual, a caress made of the feeling that is the desire to transmit warmth, Prana Energy, closeness, well-being, the sweet passion of giving: it is the true feeling!


Berber ritual

It is a type of treatment that respects the ancient Berber tradition by which brides in the week before their wedding benefited from these purification rituals that are performed on them to cleanse, nourish and relax the skin of the entire body, achieving incredible skin softness and a total relaxation of serenity and harmony.

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    It is particularly relaxing and soothing as it makes use of three different phases of execution: 

    1) Argan oil body scrub massage performed with a quick manual technique that on the skin achieves an extremely effective exfoliating action for a purifying action of the epidermis. Followed by a gentle cleansing of the skin performed with savon noir, a natural vegetable substance that is obtained by mixing oil and crushed black olives, left to macerate with cold and totally natural methodology.   

    2) Application of Berber mask based on "rhassoul," a clay powder rich in magnesium, silicon, iron oxides and calcium, used as a natural antiseptic and remineralizing agent. Mixed with rose or Zagara water, a very soft cream is obtained that, when applied to the skin, absorbs and removes excess sebum, eliminating all impurities. 

    At the end of these first two phases, the client is wrapped in a cartene on top of which is placed a warm fleece blanket, useful to rebalance in a completely natural way the right body temperature, with 20 minutes of complete rest accompanied by gentle background music. After this phase of complete relaxation, a vigorous and very hot regenerating and rebalancing shower is carried out, useful for removing all traces of product, leaving the skin perfectly cleansed, ready for the final phase.

    3) Berber massage, delicate and enveloping, based on Argan oil, obtained from a valuable and very natural cold pressing of the fruit of the Argania Spinosa, a tree that grows exclusively in Arabia whose fruits, similar to our nuts, possess truly unique properties, of relaxation but also of nourishment, hydration and sebaceous rebalancing, leaving the skin with an incredible sensation of fragrant and velvety softness.  

    Each phase and each maneuver is carried out with the specific purpose of inducing the individual into a dimension far from everyday thoughts by making him or her feel enveloped, pampered and fulfilled, as considered a unique and unrepeatable being, leaving the person with a sweet feeling of light, enveloping and complete harmony.

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